19th April 2024- Honey and the Bear at The Wesley Centre, Maltby

Next for us in Maltby at the Wesley Centre Live we see Honey and the Bear, a Suffolk folk duo who have ventured here for the first time with a sound more towards the indie folk, and a soundscape of music exploring the natural world. It is a nice addition as the weather starts to […]

Miranda Sykes @ The Wesley Centre – 9th June 2023

We return to the Wesley Centre in Maltby after a hiatus to see what we have been missing out on. We haven’t been since Covid and are looking forward to a night of live music. The Wesley Centre is still a nice intimate venue with friendly serving staff and the all-important raffle to host the […]

Ninebarrow- “A Pocket Full of Acorns” Review

Timely, persistent and quiet. The natural world continues to spill forth from Ninebarrow’s fourth album, in all the best ways. Those quiet boys of folk, Ninebarrow, have been keeping themselves busy during the lockdown. Well, when we say quiet, we acknowledge that ever since their debut album they have been anything but; with recognition from […]

Jenny Sturgeon – The Living Mountain (review)

An album indistinguishable from the nature it is set in, Sturgeon’s expertise ensures a multi-layered, emotional linchpin of folk Now even deeper into the cold of Winter, we come to ponder Jenny Sturgeon’s latest work “The Living Mountain” originally released on 16 October 2020. Sturgeon’s first album “From the Skein” was an enjoyable and accomplished […]

Lizabett Russo- “While I Sit and Watch This Tree” (album review)

Russo’s album is a brighter, more focused affair that lets the positive rays of growth bring more optimism to her delightfully individual music. To Be Released: Late November 2020 Gathering her ideas from the characterful stream of her mind and hewing a sound from the knotty avant-garde folk tree, Lizabett Russo continues a work very […]

Saskia – Are You Listening?” (Album Review)

“An album that refreshes and surveys the ground covered up to now. Saskia continues to sculpt her clay of gentle-folk into a pleasing and healing treasure.” Released July 31st 2020. Our Pick: “Write me a Song” (Track 5) From the brightest, warmest and sunniest part of folk music’s acoustic heart comes musician, Saskia Griffith Moore […]