Folk Phenomena

Welcome to Folk Phenomena, the Sheffield-based Imaginarium for all things Folk Music, Theatre and Horror Media.

We are a website seeking to experience share our thoughts on new Folk Music and Horror Media, and all those mixed-genre gems that fit in the nooks and crannies in-between.

Our interests are in the weird, beautiful and metaphorical but also the personal and melodic. We see the brightness of a folk album situated in the landscape as well as the fear of a community stalked by ancient, unspoken traditions. We listen to these things under dim lights, watch them under bright cinema screens and might even experience them through the quiet squeak of a mouse wheel. We then write them about them (usually) in a long-form format and can provide a running news service and commentary at live events.

Our emphasis is on feeling, experience and the emotion of works, i.e. the phenomena that presents itself to us. Despite having heard an awful lot of folk music and seen a bunch of slasher films, we stray more towards trying to explain why you might like what you hear rather than giving cliff notes on technique.

Please bear with us while our front page has a overhaul. We already write about horror and spooky theatre, but are looking at how to represent this on out page. We are rearranging and creating things as necessary that should hopefully make this more accessible.

In the meantime, click the top right for our recent posts.

If you need to email us, just click below:

Thank you,
