Swift Wings and Lost Stones – Live Gig Review

University of Sheffield Drama Studio on 13 November 2022 Enable US Project https://performancevenues.group.shef.ac.uk/about-us/enable-us/ We had the pleasure of attending an event which marks the shimmering of the air and the slipstream of the horror season as we move from the month of Halloween and into the one of even darker nights and exploding lights.  With […]

Lady Maisery – Cycle – (Album Review in Poem Form)

LADY MAISERY- CYCLE (poetic review)   A dawn chorus whose stalwart shanties wash an ignorance of history past they  approach the day careening in Physis’ circuit, putting a breathy foot to a metal horse. As an earthy watchmaker sets out her table, she is brought an old face. Burrowing into these metal shells and eyeing her […]