Miranda Sykes @ The Wesley Centre – 9th June 2023
We return to the Wesley Centre in Maltby after a hiatus to see what we have been missing out on. We haven’t been since Covid and are looking forward to a night of live music. The Wesley Centre is still a nice intimate venue with friendly serving staff and the all-important raffle to host the […]
5th March 2022- Phil Beer at Wesley Centre, Maltby
We have recently had the pleasure of visiting the opening night of “Wesley Centre Live”, a series of folk gigs that has started in Maltby. We wanted to share our experiences with you, for more information about upcoming gigs, go to https://www.facebook.com/wesleycentrelive/?ref=page_internal. Heading out in your car a little East of Rotherham you come to […]
Steamchicken Tour Begins at the Guildhall Theatre 23rd February 2018
“Strong of purpose, unbridled in energy… Steamchicken’s sound is a surprise to many, but a disappointment to none” There are plenty of good reasons to hide away. It could be the dark, a moment of reflection, or even (at the time of the his writing) to get away from scary snow beasts clawing at your […]
Bella Gaffney- Heaven Knows – Album Review
Album: Heaven Knows With: Bella Gaffney (Vocals and guitars, concertina, and more) Lauren Deakin Davies (Bass guitar, keys and percussion) Nick Hall (Backing vocals and lead guitar) Tim Spencer (Drums) Chris Elliott (Fiddle) Heather Sirret (Bass Guitar) James Gaffney (Piano) Tracks: 11 Produced by: Lauren Deakin Davies FOLKSTOCK RECORDS […]
Andy Whitehouse & Guests at The Heeley Institute, Sheffield – Album Launch 24th March 2017
Some emotionally grey, but not dismal tones as Yorkshire local Andy Whitehouse launches his thoughtful solo piece in Sheffield. The Heeley Institute is a like a small crab, delicate yet intricate and versatile with a beauty in it’s design. It isn’t the largest space but it has hosted some of the biggest acts. Recent winners […]