Swift Wings and Lost Stones – Live Gig Review

University of Sheffield Drama Studio on 13 November 2022 Enable US Project https://performancevenues.group.shef.ac.uk/about-us/enable-us/ We had the pleasure of attending an event which marks the shimmering of the air and the slipstream of the horror season as we move from the month of Halloween and into the one of even darker nights and exploding lights.  With […]

Lizabett Russo – “While I Sit and Watch This Tree” Volume 2

Still unique in her magical space between Scotland and Romania, Russo’s glass vocals strike an irresistable balance of mind and nature that encompasses an idiosyncratic, beautiful reflection of self. Release Date – 4th November 2022 Lizabett Russo returns with “While I sit and Watch This Tree Volume 2”, a continuation of her multiform presentation of […]

Iona Lane – Hallival – Album Review

Released – March 25 2022 From beyond the rolling mist (and probably a few sheets of snow) the mountain of Hallival stands beautiful as a site of exploration, and in seeing it, a conquest of one’s own very ideas of beauty. Iona Lane’s debut album takes this beauty and transcribes it into a folky exploration […]

The Story Song Scientists – Quantum Lyrics (review)

Released October 2021 Sit up, science is about to begin! For those who like to follow the Roud index as much as the Alper-Doger Index, an EP is out which looks at some incredible stories of science, celebrating them in the warm halo of Findlay Napier and Megan Henwood. The stylings of Glaswegian Napier and […]

5th March 2022- Phil Beer at Wesley Centre, Maltby

We have recently had the pleasure of visiting the opening night of “Wesley Centre Live”, a series of folk gigs that has started in Maltby. We wanted to share our experiences with you, for more information about upcoming gigs, go to https://www.facebook.com/wesleycentrelive/?ref=page_internal.  Heading out in your car a little East of Rotherham you come to […]

Emma Langford- “Sowing Acorns” – A Review

A fun album that will defy attempts to hold it down in one place. Well arranged and with some seriously confident creations, this disc hints at a continued bright future for Langford. Release Date: September 2020 It’s been a long time coming, but we have finally got around to reviewing the second album by the […]

Merry Hell – Emergency Lullabies (review)

Exuberant and rousing with a few inspired sentimental stops, Merry Hell still have a lot to say with their sixth album.  RELEASED NOVEMBER 2020 What can we say of Merry Hell? They are a band often seen on the live circuit with an impressive turnaround of albums (this is their sixth studio outing); you could […]

Lizabett Russo- “While I Sit and Watch This Tree” (album review)

Russo’s album is a brighter, more focused affair that lets the positive rays of growth bring more optimism to her delightfully individual music. To Be Released: Late November 2020 Gathering her ideas from the characterful stream of her mind and hewing a sound from the knotty avant-garde folk tree, Lizabett Russo continues a work very […]

The Wilderness Yet – Debut Album Review

Their ears and hearts nested in the traditional, ‘The Wilderness Yet’ provide an album with many brilliant, emotional responses to nature. Away from the bustle, in a secret garden within the leafy settlement of Sheffield, we get the glimpse of a band bringing their debut to the fore.  “The Wilderness Yet” comprises of Rowan Piggott […]

Kirsty Merryn – Our Bright Night (review)

Released 24/04/20 Singularly beautiful, contemplative and dark. Merryn’s second album is a creeping jaguar in the rainforest of folk. When you think of 90’s films with pianos.. What comes to mind? Is it “King Ralph” (1991) with John Goodman playing “Good Golly Miss Molly” in formal attire and bragging about his Rolling Stone Collection, or […]